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Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)

CAS in ESG and Sustainable Leadership

The School of Management Fribourg (HEG-FR), in collaboration with the Centre for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (CCRS) in Zurich, offers you a methodologically sound and practice-oriented Certificate for Advanced Studies (CAS). The 'CAS in ESG und nachhaltige Führung' (ESG and Sustainable Leadership) provides general knowledge about the term sustainability and how it is used, but also misused, in business and society. The aim of the CAS is to support participants in their efforts to make their respective companies/organisations fit for the future by learning not only to measure their economic performance, but also their sustainability performance in the areas of environmental, social and governance (ESG). Given the growing regulatory and self-regulatory requirements in this area in Europe, it is essential that companies and other organisations adapt to this new environment in order to secure their market access.

Information event

Later in 2023.

CAS main page

Here you will find the description, success factors, learning objectives & benefits and study regulations for the CAS 'ESG and Sustainable Leadership'.

Introductory video

CCRS Director Dr. Philipp Aerni and Programme Director Dr. Isabelle Schluep provide insights into the CAS. Click here

CAS in ESG and Sustainable Leadership

At a glance

Degree awarded

Certificate of Advanced Studies HES-SO in ESG und nachhaltige Führung

Study start

To be announced

Study language


Enrollment information

Enrollment is open


CHF 9'800

Place of study

Technopark Zürich Technoparkstrasse 1
8005 Zürich